From a new campaign comes a harsh reminder… Women are simply #NotThereYet


No Ceilings is a new campaign for gender equality in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math).  Globally, even though girls and boys perform at comparable levels in maths and science, female students are much less likely to graduate from college with a STEM degree than their male counterparts.

There is a serious lack of women working in some of the fastest growing, best paying, and highest-need fields in today’s economy. Moreover, the few women who do pursue jobs in STEM are less likely than men to hold leadership positions. The gender barriers in STEM exist not only in school but also in the workplace. Other data indicates that young girls start off strong in maths and science but start to lose interest and confidence in their skills as they grow older.

See the campaign below:

Are women missing out on significant earning potential; opportunities in a wide range of industries; and are these industries missing out on higher performance due to lack of gender diversity?





Do we limit girls and tell them what they should or shouldn’t be? Do we box them into expected roles?

72% of girls DO feel society limits them — especially during puberty — a time when their confidence plummets.  – People


American brand  – Always –  is on an epic battle to keep confidence high during puberty & beyond. They are spreading that word that girls everywhere can be unstoppable.

The first #LikeAGirl ad premiered last year during the Super Bowl. It featured young males and females, who were asked to run, hit or throw like a girl. The males and older group of females made a pathetic attempt to do the assigned tasks, flailing their arms, worrying about their hair or dropping an invisible ball. The younger girls run fiercely, competitively and to the best of their ability.  The contrast of the before and after action really makes you stop and think… why does everyone have such a weak perception of girls?

Their second installment capitalizes on the idea of breaking down society’s norms. The theme for the video is “Unstoppable,” asking the girls featured if they’ve ever felt limited by their gender. The answer is unanimously yes, and not just for the video’s participants.

Have you ever been limited by your gender? Tell us below.



CAMPAIGN WEEK: The Limited “What Does Leading Look Like?”


The number of women leaders is growing—and Women’s fashion brand ‘The Limited’ wants to celebrate. They have named their 2015 Fall campaign; “The New Look of Leadership”. The campaign includes an anthem video titled “What Does Leading Look Like?” featuring more than 60 women who are forces in industries such as technology. government, education and healthcare. The faces are a diverse, beautiful, and powerful reminder that absolutely anyone can lead.

In an effort to redefine what it means to be a leader today, Diane Ellis, chief executive officer of The
Limited, said the idea sparked from conversations with clients. “We discovered there are so many great female leaders among them. We wanted to recognize these outstanding women and launch a movement to inspire others to lean in their own communities.”
Image: Source
Ellis said that “We’re hoping that [the campaign] inspires women to be more active and engaged in discussions on leadership – their own leadership, the leadership mentoring they do for others, and most importantly, the idea that leading is a philosophy, not a job title,”
Image: Source

The Limited is the latest womenswear brand to ditch airbrushed models in favor of featuring “real women” in its ads. It is so fantastic to see major fashion brand use powerful role models. The Limited has certainly paved the way for other brands and we hope to see more role models used in fashion campaigns in the future.

Image: Source

Tell us what you think #LeadingLooksLike
